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Meet Marleigh Culver, Local Artist in Action

In April, we announced Common’s Local Art in Action program, a program that seeks to connect our members to their communities through local artists, their works, and the stories behind them. We kicked off the program with Carly Kuhn, a native New Yorker, whose prints are hanging in Common Grand. Now, we’re excited to announce our second artist, Marleigh Culver!

You might already know Marleigh’s work from some of your favorite local spots. Her bold, abstract paintings have brightened up spaces across the country, from restaurants in California, to a woman’s clinic in NYC. We love Marleigh’s work and thought it was the perfect fit for our latest home in the heart of Williamsburg, Common Marcy.

Keep reading to learn more about Marleigh and the prints we featured!

Get to know Marleigh Culver

First things first, introduce yourself!

Hi! I’m Marleigh and originally from Virginia. I’ve always done creative things like painting, dancing and baking. I have been working in art and design for 7 years and spent 8 years of school focused on it. I work as a Creative Lead for Lalo and do freelance work and paint.

Can you tell us more about the two prints we’ve featured at Common Marcy?

These are some of my favorites for their color and vibrancy. I was trying to think abstractly about cities I love and wanted to fill the page with what felt related to them. Also, parts of NYC can be so brick and brown-color focused so it’s nice to have some brightness in a room.

What’s your favorite piece of art in your own home? Why?

I’m really bad and only have one painting on my wall, by Karl-Joel Larssen, he’s a fantastic illustrator and designer based in Sweden! My next apartment with my partner will be decorated with much more work.

What inspired your move from Virginia to New York? Do you think living in NYC has affected how you approach your work?

I basically had lived in Virginia for 27 years. There were some years away because my dad was in the Army so that and visiting my best friend in London made me want to be around more and bigger things. The job I was at, Need Supply, was really the only cool job in Virginia so I figured NYC was the next move. NYC has helped me dial in my aesthetic and think bigger. It’s a lot to feel like I need to constantly be working like everyone else but I’m learning what my limits are and that I need to stick to them.

What’s your favorite way to discover local art? Additionally, who’s your favorite local artist?

I’m super picky with art. I actually admire a lot of small clothing labels and design object makers! For example, I love Laura Lombardi, a jewelry designer and Ellen Van Dusen from Dusen Dusen. Shawna X is a great example of an artist in my neighborhood who makes insane psychedelic illustrations, mural and installations.

Do you have any tips for someone moving to New York City for the first time?

You don’t need to go overboard and spend money on socializing and there are ways to do things in an affordable manner. Really take in that honeymoon period feeling, it’s so exciting!

What’s your favorite place?

Very hard to answer this! I really love just being home with my parents and at the North End beach where I grew up in Virginia Beach.

Discover Common Marcy

Marleigh’s work is featured at Common Marcy, our latest coliving home in Williamsburg. Common Marcy‘s stunning interiors, outdoor space, and architectural details (hello floor-to-ceiling windows!) make it the perfect home for getting settled, or getting a new start in NYC. Request a tour today!

Header photo by Tag Cristof.

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