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On the job: Paul Borekjian, Property Services Manager in NYC

Discover what a day in the life is like for Paul Borekjian, Common’s Property Services Manager in New York City. Keep reading to learn more about his experience, and head to to learn more about our company, our values, and how you can join our team.

Hi Paul! Can you tell us more about your day to day working at Common?

When I started at Common, my role at Common was to ensure Common Baltic was functioning properly. Since then, I’ve transitioned to managing all of our maintenance and property services team in New York City, including Common Baltic. My top priority is to resolve any issues that come up in the space, in a timely manner. The highlight of my job is the privilege of managing our teams of Porters and Concierges, who our members adore. 

What stood out about your first week working at Common?

After being welcomed and onboarded by the People Ops team, I got to meet my manager who set expectations and allowed me to shadow our most seasoned Maintenance Technician until I was comfortable with the daily flow. It wasn’t long before I was off on my own and running around the city! Over my time working at Common, I’ve learned that clear and thorough communication is key for all collaboration and management, and our team definitely exemplified that during my first week. 

What is your favorite part of Common’s work culture?

My favorite part of working at Common is the overwhelming amount of support I’m given! Within the property service team, there’s such a sense of comradery that when help is needed, any of my team members would willingly assist, without expecting anything in return. Additionally, managers are brought together to meet once a month to support each other. This is all on top of the support we receive from our amazing People Ops team!

I also love how teams are encouraged to get to know one another outside of the normal workflow. Before Covid, the NYC Property Services team was able to go to Beat The Bomb. The objective team building game was to eventually beat the clock…or be splatted with goop. Sadly, we were splattered with goop, but it was so much fun I don’t think anyone cared!

Some fun questions!

Favorite Hobby?

I play Anatolian music on the Oud (middle eastern fretless lute).

What do you love about working and living in NYC?

The food! I love that quality and a wide variety of food is readily available anywhere and everywhere in the city.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

From a young age, I wanted to be an architect. Legos and K’nex were my best friends! In high school, I even took CAD classes each year. I didn’t end up going down that exact path, but in a roundabout way, I found my way to property management, where I thoroughly enjoy being hands-on every day!

Favorite place?

I love Madrid. The food, the pace, the energy, and the quaintness draw me in whenever I need an escape from NYC.

Favorite Common home?

Common Grand. The old characteristics of the home have been preserved, and I love how it’s been transformed for community living. Every time I’ve swung by for a maintenance item, I always see our members enjoying each others’ company.

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