
Meet the Common Team: Justice Bryan


Justice Bryan is Common’s Senior Implementation Specialist, working on the Implementation team. Keep reading to learn more about his experience, and head to to learn more about our company, our values, and how you can join our team.

Why did you choose to work at Common?

I joined Common because I was sold on their product. While Common operates traditional multifamily buildings, their co-living homes offer a unique living alternative that most property management companies do not offer.

How would you describe your overall ‘interview/onboarding’ experience?

My interview process at Common was stress-free with great communication across all stages.

What was your favorite thing about your first week at Common?

The favorite thing about my first week at Common was the support. My managers and peers were always accessible and they provided ample training to ensure that I was set for success.

Can you describe your growth experience at Common?

It’s very important to me that the company I work for values employee development. The leadership team at Common actively looks for employee developmental opportunities and they encourage their employees to do the same. Common has invested in my growth by influencing my skill development and allowing cross-functional training. I joined Common in 2018, and I am now in my 4th position within the company. My current position was created after I identified a key area for improvement. Common is a fast-growing company and I enjoy coming to work knowing that I have the opportunity to grow with it.

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