Interior Design

Small place, big vibes: small apartment ideas to maximize space

Living happily in a small space is possible, but may require some lifestyle changes. Here’s a guide to living big in a small place.


Roommate Red Flags: 5 Warnings You Should Never Overlook

Having roommates can lead to great times if things go right, but they can pose big risks if they don’t. Here are 5 red flags to look out for.

Apartment Searching

How students can find comfortable, safe housing for the upcoming school year

Your housing should be the least stress-free element of your college experience, but now might be a tough time to find it. Learn how Common can help.


The housing trend found across all major cities

For lower rates than the average studio in each market, Common coliving homes aim to fill the demand that developers aren’t quite meeting.


Four cities Common’s Real Estate Directors are excited about

In the next few years, coliving will be expanding to multiple cities. Here are four cities our Real Estate Directors are excited about.


Why millennials choose to live together

For these reasons, young adults born after 1980 (millennials) are more likely to cohabit than any previous generation.